
Friday, March 26, 2010

Pure Green Solution: 74 year old drug dealer okay or not??

Pure Green Solution: 74 year old drug dealer okay or not??

74 year old drug dealer okay or not??

Pure Green Solution

You know it's petty bad when people want to think it's okay that a 74 year old lady deals drugs, we want to justify why she is doing it. Oh it's because she is living on $800 dollars a month that poor lady and someone wants to make the comment have a heart. Let's stop and think this through, this lady is probly on Medicare which is your tax dollars at work and this probly paid for that prescription with medicare or medicaid which ever, so I guess in a sence we bought the drugs for her to sell. So now are you okay with your tax dollars going to deal drug to children??

Making this lady and any other person some where from $66 to $68 dollars a pill for OC 80's the latest report I heard.

No remember that is per pill still feeling sorry for this drug dealer that usally has around 120 pills issued a month @ $67 each =ing $8,040 x 12 months =ing $96,480 a year still feeling sorry for that poor little old drug dealing lady. So next time you want to feel sorry for someone dealing drugs don't they are getting what they deserve!! Just remember your tax dollars just paid her a salary of 96,000 a year for how many years before she got caught????

I am someone that has not had a story book life myself more of a Stephen King novel and if everyone really knew the truth about how many little old lady and little old men that are out there dealing these drugs I promise you everyone would be standing around with their mouth open laying on the floor. You say have a heart until your son or daughter hooks up with this little old lady and they start feeding these drugs to your family member and they OverDose on them and slip into a coma or even worse die. People want to blame the Doctors for the surge in Narcotics hitting the streets. But let us stop and think who is getting must the prescriptions issuied to them it is our baby boomers and they are part of what era the 70's they were in there 20's in the 70's and now good old star child or moon flower someones grandma or grandpa is selling OC's to your neighbors dope dealing cousin.

The facts are facts it's tuff all over yes I feel sorry for our elders that are trying to live on $800.00 a month but I also know they have other options. This is a country founded on opportunity and in a new era of self employment being able to run a business for your self couldn't be easier. I offer a challenge to any of our elders if you make the first step and contact us at I will personally work with you and teach everything that you need to know to succeed!! All you need to do is take the first step!! Be apart of a company that has paid out over 5 BILLION dollars to people like me and you. We all have a chance to live a different life then that, I know first hand God gave me that chance. So let's not say it's okay because they are old it's never okay to deal drugs to someones kid!!! As our elders they all know better!!!

I stumbled across this article on my msn page and when I started looking at the posts I couldn't believe my eyes. People actually thinking it is okay for a elderly women to deal drugs because she only gets 800 dollars a month for SSI. So what do you think??

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Pure Green Soution and My Shaklee

Well it's has been a great weekend I have had my daughter all weekend and I love it when I get to spend the weekend with her!!! I know all of you other parents who have went through the big D all know what I mean.
We had tickets to go to the Pacers game but she is only 6 and the more she thought about it the more she didn't want to go, she told me the only reason she wanted to go was to get treats at the game they have treats she said!!! I laughed and said ya honey they have treats but that is a awful long way to drive to get some treats, Daddy will buy you some treats right here in town. Well this made me stop and think about why, why does she place treats with the thought of going to a basketball game and a buddy of ours and his son was going to go as well. When I called him and told him we had changed our mind and was not going to go he said his son said the same thing can we still get some treats. Our children place a tag on everything they do and remember like eagle hawks what happens at those events. Storm went to a local basketball game with her Uncle and he had bought her a hot dog at the game she could remember the teams that played at this game and details us adults probably would have forgotten about. This is just another example of the importance of sharing with our children the importance of taking care of our environment they are our future and our actions stick in there mind. Last year on Earth Day all of us set up a booth to promote Pure Green Solution and Shaklee products. She still asks me to this day, Daddy when are we going to help the environment again with setting our booth up. She doesn't want to go set-up the booth because she is going to get snacks she wants to set-up the booth because she wants to help others live healthier lives and help the environment.

This is what snacks triggered we are a race that was built with love and compassion in our DNA we want to do things that are helping and caring for others. This is why I wanted to become a part of Shaklee and started Pure Green Solution! It is a company that was found and started to help people live the way God intended us to live without worring about sickness to be able to use the natural things of this planet to keep us safe and healthy, I have allot more to write and share with everyone but I have my wonderful daughter waiting to go to the park. So I will continue this post later tonight!! God Bless and keep the healthy treats coming LOL
Yours truly Lawrence (Geno) Whalen and Pure Green Solution
PS. I have not proof read sorry for typos, grammer or spelling issues!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Pure Green Solution Leading the Way

Hello and Welcome,

         I am creating this blog in an effort to lead people to the number on all natural product company in the United States. Shaklee is a company that has been in business for over 50 years and is the true Pioneer in the natural products movement. Dr. Forest Shaklee which is our founder was a very smart men and know the power of depending on Nature and what it had to offer. Dr. Shaklee wanted nothing more than care for people but one thing Dr. Shaklee knew was that he was tired of treating people after they had already become sick. He knew the only way to to truly help people was to create products that was proactive instead of reactive. Those came the creation of Shaklee and the best products I have ever seen or used in my life!! In fact the tune in for more info to come this is just the beginning of a ongoing story of the Number One all natural product company in the US. The products that our Ski and Snowboarding athletes used in the Vancouver games to win 21of the 37 metals won at the Olympics. So visit us at to learn more check us out on You Tube and watch our play-list videos. We are in the process of starting a Pure Green Solution Blog Radio Show coming soon!! Looking to have a re-grand opening Earth Day 2010. So we look forward to hearing from you. Again we thank all of out Customers for their continued support!!
Pure Green Solution and Lawrence Whalen